Friday, September 25, 2009

#14 - Coffee Sharks - September 25, 2009

Photos Taken Friday 9/25/09


These sharks are my homies.

Coffee Maker

I got some free coffee grounds so I finally had to break out the old coffee maker. It's quite possibly as old as I am.

Mug Shot


Emo Bitch

I'm so fucking emo I cry black tears bitches!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

#13 - Artsy Fartsy - September 24, 2009

Photos Taken Thursday 9/24/09


I almost ran into this outside my apartment this morning, The spider was nowhere to be found.

Road Construction Ahead

On my way home.

Tree Bark



Shut up! I can be as artsy fartsy as I damn well please.

#12 - Lemon Tree! - September 24, 2009

Photos Taken Tuesday 9/22/09
(While waiting for Tim to get out of work)


Pretty trees....This city must spend a fortune on landscaping.

The Fire Hydrants In This Town Are Yellow

I so live in Shelbyville


and my best friend Mr. Headphones.


There's something oddly adorable about that little bent guy in the middle.


Photos Taken Wednesday 9/23/09

The Best Wine Is Free Wine

Cabernet Sauvignon! Tim's mom is moving and found this. She doesn't drink so she gave it to us. It's apparently a $60 bottle from a small private vineyard. I like being a (fake) wine snob.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

#11 - Mush! - September 19, 2009

Photos Taken Saturday 9/19/09



Thursday, September 17, 2009

#10 - Titles Are For Losers - September 17, 2009

So I guess I'm as lazy as I always thought. I really did want to try to do daily updates but....
Oh well.

Photos Taken Sunday 9/13/09

Computer Guts




Tim got some old computers and he was seeing if he could fix them up or use them for parts.

Poking Holes

This is me working on an art project. Tim found an old table that I took apart and am doing an experiment with. I'm trying to kind of carve a picture into in but I really have no idea how to do it. I've never attempted anything like this before. I picked a picture of Trent (naturally) and an tracing it out. I really hope it turns out okay because it's a pain in the ass to do.


.... his little prison. I got him about 2 1/2 years ago from a coworker. He is seriously almost as big as my dog.


Photos Taken Monday 9/14/09

The Cop Car And The Sky

That's a screenplay I'm working on. I'm thinking Colin Farrel for the cop car and Cate Blanchette for the sky. It's not a romance it's more of a dramady buddy pic.


I think I took a wrong turn and ended up in 1992.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

#9 - Falling Behind - September 13, 2009

I haven't updated in a few days so the photos in this post span those few days.

Photos Taken Wednesday 9/9/09


Fenced In

Drainage Water...Yummy

All these photos are taken in a water drainage underpass thingy. A shit ton of bats live down here. I'll try to get photos of them sometime. I'll have to go at sunset to see them fly out.


Photos Taken Thursday 9/10/09

Me and my napping buddy making sure I'm all rested up to follow the NIN concert online later.

Corner Of My Apartment
This is the corner that is part of my "Living Room" in my studio apartment. You can see some of my paintings and some clay sculptures and pottery  and my bagillion DVDs that are rendered useless now that I have Netflix instant streaming and other shit that I have too much of with no place to put. (<---Was that a sentence? I don't think it was.)

Waving Goodbye
Eating ice cream (with a plastic fork - shut up!) as Nine Inch Nails is performing their last concert. Oh how I love you comfort food.


Photos Taken Friday 9/11/09

Head Down
Listening to NIN as I wait for Tim to get out of work.

I was taking photos of random things as I waited for Tim.

Parking Lot
Still waiting...


Photos Taken Sunday 9/13/09 (That's today! all caught up. Yay!)

Fire Alarm
Not very exciting I know, but I just noticed these today. I've lived in this apartment complex for 4 years without noticing that there are fire alarms outside every apartment. The urge to pull it was almost unbearable, but I resisted and just took a picture instead.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

#8 - Kamikaze Dragonfly - September 8, 2009

Photos taken Tuesday 9/8/09

I found this dragonfly on my way to work. I'm pretty sure he's dead. Later, Tim told me that on his way to work, about an hour before me, a dragonfly smacked him in the face. Hmmmm. 
Death by face, that's how I want to die.

Dollar Tree
We stepped into Dollar Tree for a few minutes just because.

Figure On Unicycle
I found this there. I think I love it.

NINing Out
Okay so I know this isn't the best picture but this is how I spent my night. Nine Inch Nails played their second to last show tonight. I lamely get very excited following along at home.

Monday, September 7, 2009

#7 - Cheez Its and PJ Harvey - September 7, 2009

Photos Taken Monday 9/7/09
My current favorite things on Earth are Cheez Its and PJ Harvey.

MotherFucking Cheez Its!
I have an addiction.

You know how when someone you have little or no respect for says they like something it kind of taints it and you don't want to give it a chance. Well that happened to me with PJ Harvey (along with several other bands). I've finally started listening to her and holy fucking shit I can't stop. She's fucking amazing. Fuck! I like the word "fuck". 

I've never been to a salon or barber. My mom cut my hair when I was little & now I cut it myself. I'm all growd up. I just can't see paying for something like that.

Laundry Room
I have an epic story behind this picture on my wordblog InsightedHate

Sunday, September 6, 2009

#6 - Dead Things - September 6, 2009

Photos taken Sunday 9/6/09

The Cat
This cat has been decomposing on the side of the road for about a year now. I finally decided to bring it home. (I'm perfectly sane.)

The Butterfly
I found this wing in the grass outside my apartment. I really like this particular picture.